
Real Estate Report

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All investments require due diligence research and deliberation. Real estate investments require even more so, especially for unfamiliar locations. SafeLighthouse understands that real estate investments are so much more than an address, which is why we offer the Real Estate Trends and Forecasts Report, a comprehensive look at a neighborhood’s real estate market.

Our Reporting Services

Our real estate report can offer you detailed information about a real estate address and help you make an educated choice in properties that may have high appreciation values

At Safe Lighthouse, we understand that making informed real estate investment decisions is crucial. That’s why we offer comprehensive reporting services that provide you with detailed insights into the real estate market. Our reports include essential information to help you make well-informed choices, such as:

  1. Rising Star Index – 3-Year Opportunity Forecast: Our Scout Vision® Rising Star Index reveals the 3-year appreciation forecast at the Micro-Neighborhood™ level, which is 10 times smaller than a Zip Code. Using an easy-to-understand 1-5 scale, this index rates every neighborhood from Very Low projected price growth over the next 3 years to Rising Star expected growth. It’s based on 200+ data elements, with a proven track record of predictive accuracy.
  2. Blue Chip Index – Investment Security Risk: Our Scout Vision® Blue Chip Index assesses past appreciation performance over the last 10 years for specific Micro-Neighborhoods™. It also takes into account existing fundamentals, such as school quality, which are proven to help locations hold value even in challenging economic times. This index uses a 1-5 scale, ranging from Very Low Investment Security to Blue Chip, representing the highest investment security.
  3. Price Advantage Over Surrounding Neighborhoods: We provide a unique Price Advantage Score that compares home values per square foot in the neighborhood to other nearby neighborhoods. This score is calculated based on the average price per square foot in locations just a short drive away from the neighborhood. It ranges from 1 (Strong Disadvantage) to 5 (Strong Advantage), helping you understand the pricing dynamics compared to nearby areas.
  4. Access to High-Paying Jobs Index: Our Access to High Paying Jobs Index measures the total number of high-paying jobs available within a certain drive time, in minutes. High-paying jobs are defined as those paying $75,000 or more annually. The index scores are available on a 0-100 scale, with higher scores indicating more job opportunities, offering valuable insights for your investment decisions.
  5. Regional Investment Potential: The Regional Investment Index evaluates a region’s 3-year appreciation forecast on a percentage measurement. This forecast categorizes each region’s expected performance based on historical real estate appreciation rates experienced nationwide over three-year periods since 1999. It provides essential context for comparing regional performance against historical benchmarking.

Investing in real estate can be daunting, but with Safe Lighthouse, you can be assured of valuable resources to make informed investment decisions.